Basic research and analysis on how human resource management actualize the mission and the vision of the university museums.

研究概要Research Outline
Basic research and analysis on how ‘human resource management’ actualize the mission and the vision of the ‘university museums’.
背景Research Background
University museums have functioned as an educational facility for their stakeholders such as the students, faculty members, the graduates, and the parents, through collecting, preserving, studying various objects that are related to the histories and specialized fields of each university. In addition to these internal functions, the university museums in the 21st century have potential in functioning as an intellectual and cultural hub that supports lifelong learning of the local community and the society. Nonetheless, their expected social roles are significant.
In order to accomplish the missions of the university museums in a stable and sustainable manner, an appropriate management for human resources are crucial and essential. However, it is scarce to find researches of Human Resource Management (hereinafter HRM) of the university museums in Japan today.
研究の目的Purpose of Research
The objectives of this research are; to research and analyze the missions of the university museums and how human resources are hired and managed, and to provide basic data that contributes to HRM by grasping the present circumstances, and to consider whether or not current HRM is sufficient for mission accomplishment.
内容と方法Contents and Methodology
Since the research period completely overlapped with Covid-19 pandemic, we made full use of online research resources. All discussions among members were conducted online by using Zoom, except for the first meeting. We collected basic data from the websites of the university museums and through online questionnaire by Google Forms, and interviewed three of them respectively face-to-face, online, and by email.
ウェブサイト調査Website Research
We listed 107 university museums established by 189 university and junior college corporations based in Tokyo by referencing an entrance examination website as there was no complete list of university museumsi available. We conducted research on the 107 university museums’ websites and checked the following items.
i日本博物館協会のウェブサイトは加盟館のみが掲載され、大学博物館は一部のみ掲載されている。また、伊能秀明監修『大学博物館事典』(日外アソシエーツ, 2007年)には162館が収録されているものの、アンケート調査に回答した館のみであり、全ての大学博物館は掲載されていない。
iThe list provided on the website of the Japanese Association of Museums only include affiliated university museums. A university museum encyclopedia “Daigaku Hakubutsukan Jiten” supervised by IYOKU Hideaki contains 162 university museum that only responded to the questionnaire survey, not all of them.
調査項目Research Items
- 基本情報(所在地、連絡先、休館日、入館料)
- 館の概要・沿革、ミッション・ポリシー
- 所蔵品、常設・企画展示
- 授業連携や博物館実習を含む教育活動
- 地域連携、館長を含む組織体制と待遇についての情報
Basic information (location, contacts, closed days, admission fees), history, mission, policy, collection, permanent and special exhibitions, educational programs including collaboration with university lectures and museum practice programs, activities with local communities, organization structure and treatment.
- 国立
- お茶の水女子大学歴史資料館
- 千葉大学 サイエンスプロムナード
- 電気通信大学 UECコミュニケーションミュージアム
- 東京医科歯科大学歯学部博物館
- 東京海洋大学 マリンサイエンスミュージアム
- 東京海洋大学 百周年記念資料館
- 東京海洋大学 明治丸記念館
- 東京藝術大学大学美術館
- 東京工業大学博物館
- 東京大学総合研究博物館
- 東京大学総合研究博物館 小石川分館
- 東京大学総合研究博物館 インターメディアテク
- 東京農工大学 科学博物館本館
- 東京農工大学 科学博物館分館
- 私立
- 青山学院大学 青山学院資料センター
- 跡見学園女子大学 花蹊記念資料館
- 上野学園大学短期大学部 楽器展示室
- 桜美林大学 桜美林資料展示室
- 大妻女子大学博物館
- 学習院大学史料館
- 共立女子大学博物館
- 国立音楽大学 楽器学資料館
- 慶應義塾大学アート・センター
- 慶應義塾大学 慶應義塾ミュージアム・コモンズ
- 恵泉女学園大学 花と平和のミュージアム
- 國學院大學博物館
- 国際基督教大学博物館湯浅八郎記念館
- 国士舘大学 イラク古代文化研究所
- 駒澤大学 禅文化歴史博物館
- 駒沢女子大学博物館学実習館
- 実践女子大学 香雪記念資料館
- 芝浦工業大学 しばうら鉄道工学ギャラリー
- 順天堂大学日本医学教育歴史館
- 昭和女子大学 光葉博物館
- 昭和薬科大学 薬用植物園
- 女子栄養大学 香川昇三・綾 記念展示室
- 女子美術大学美術館
- 杉野服飾大学 杉野学園衣裳博物館
- 杉野服飾大学 ギャラリーU
- 杉野服飾大学 杉野記念館
- 成蹊大学 成蹊学園史料館
- 成城大学 民俗学研究所
- 成城学園歴史記念館
- 聖路加国際大学 トイスラー記念館
- 専修大学大学史資料室
- 大東文化大学 大東文化歴史博物館
- 大東文化大学ビアトリクス・ポター館
- 高千穂大学 100周年記念史料室
- 拓殖大学創立百年史編纂室
- 拓殖大学恩賜記念館
- 玉川大学 教育博物館
- 多摩美術大学美術館
- 津田塾大学 津田梅子資料館
- 帝京科学大学 フィールドミュージアム OPEN AIR LAB
- 帝京大学総合博物館
- 東海大学 海洋学部博物館 海洋科学博物館 海のはくぶつかん
- 東海大学 海洋学部博物館 自然史博物館
- 東海大学 松前記念館
- 東京医科大学歴史史料室
- 東京医科大学歴史資料室
- 東京海洋大学 マリンサイエンスミュージアム
- 東京家政学院大学 生活文化博物館
- 東京家政大学博物館
- 東京経済大学史料室
- 東京工芸大学 杉並アニメーションミュージアム
- 東京慈恵会医科大学 学術情報センター 標本館
- 東京女子医科大学資料室・吉岡彌生記念室
- 東京造形大学附属美術館
- 東京農業大学 「食と農」の博物館
- 東京薬科大学 薬用植物園
- 東京理科大学 近代科学資料館
- 東京理科大学 なるほど科学体験館
- 東邦大学 額田記念東邦大学資料室
- 東邦大学 薬学部薬用植物園
- 東洋学園大学 東洋学園史料室
- 東洋大学 井上円了記念博物館
- 二松學舍大學 学校法人二松学舎 大学資料展示室
- 日本歯科大学新潟生命歯学部 医の博物館
- 日本獣医生命科学大学付属ワイルドライフ・ミュージアム
- 日本女子体育大学 二階堂トクヨ資料展示室
- 日本女子大学 成瀬記念館
- 日本女子大学 成瀬記念館分館
- 日本赤十字看護大学資料室
- 日本大学生物資源科学部博物館(骨の博物館)
- 日本大学芸術学部芸術資料館
- 日本大学文理学部資料館
- 文化学園大学 文化学園服飾博物館
- 文京学院大学 島田依史子記念館(仁愛ホールを含む)
- 法政大学 HOSEIミュージアム
- 星薬科大学 薬用植物園(薬草園)
- 星薬科大学 歴史資料館
- 武蔵大学 武蔵学園記念室
- 武蔵野音楽大学 楽器博物館
- 武蔵野美術大学美術館
- 明治学院大学 明治学院歴史資料館
- 明治大学博物館
- 明治薬科大学 明薬資料館
- 明星大学資料図書館 明星資料展示室
- 立教大学 立教学院展示館
- 立正大学博物館
- 早稲田大学 會津八一記念博物館
- 早稲田大学演劇博物館
- 早稲田大学 本庄早稲田の杜ミュージアム
- 早稲田大学歴史館
- 早稲田大学 早稲田小劇場どらま館
- 早稲田大学 早稲田スポーツミュージアム
- 早稲田大学 国際文学館(村上春樹ライブラリー)
- 早稲田大学 ワセダギャラリー
- 50音順
オンラインアンケート調査On-line Questionnaire Survey
From our website survey, we found that information about Human Resource Management (HRM) of university museums, such as the number of staff and employment situation were not available on websites. Therefore, we conducted an online questionnaire to obtain more details. We contacted 107 university museums listed from our website research, consequently received answers from 26 museums (24%).
We added some new items to this questionnaire in order to understand the situation of HRM in each museum.
質問内容Questionnaire Items
- 館のスタッフ
- 人数
- 性別
- 業務形態(正規、契約・嘱託、派遣、パート・アルバイト、インターン、ボランティア)
- その他
- 博物館の種類
- 館長名と所属
- コレクション、常設・企画展示
- ミッション・ポリシー
- 教育普及活動
- 博物館実習
- 地域連携
- Museum staff
- number of staff
- gender
- type of employment (full-time employment, contract employment, dispatched, part-time employment, internship, volunteer)
- Others
- category of museum
- name of director and his/her affiliation
- collection
- permanent and special exhibitions
- mission, policy
- education and public program
- museum practice programs
- activities with local communities
Among the 26 museums, half of them, 13 university museums allow us to disclose their answers on this website. As this is only 11% of the total number of university museums we researched the websites, this result might not necessarily represent the actual situation.
回答が公開可能な館University museums which allow the disclosure of answers
- 順天堂大学・日本医学教育歴史館
- 女子美術大学・女子美アートミュージアム
- 多摩美術大学美術館
- 電気通信大学・UECコミュニケーションミュージアム
- 東海大学・松前記念館(歴史と未来の博物館)
- 東京家政学院大学・東京家政学院生活文化博物館
- 東京理科大学近代科学資料館/なるほど科学体験館
- 東邦大学・額田記念東邦大学資料室
- 東邦大学薬学部付属薬用植物園
- 東洋学園大学・東洋学園史料室
- 日本歯科大学・医の博物館
- 國學院大學博物館
- 日本赤十字看護大学史料室
- Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing
- Joshibi University of Art and Design Joshibi Art Museum
- Juntendo University Japan Medical Education History Museum
- Kokugakuin University Museum
- Tokyo University of Science Museum of Science and MathSci Experience Center
- The Nippon Dental University The Museum of Medicine and Dentistry
- Tama Art University Museum
- Toho University Nukata Memorial University Archives and Toho University Department of Pharmacy affiliated Medicinal Botanical Garden
- Tokai University Matsumae Commemoration Hall
- Tokyo Kasei Gakuin University The Museum of Daily Life Tokyo Kasei Gakuin
- Toyo Gakuen University Toyo Gakuen Archives
- The University of Electro-Communications UEC Museum of Communications
alphabetical order, names are translated into English by authors
インタビュー調査Interview Survey
We conducted interviews to 3 university museums about their actual situation out of 13 university museums which allowed us to disclose their answers, among 26 respondents of the online questionnaire survey. The three university museums were chosen by the types of parent organization of the university (national, public or private) , the scale and the composition of the departments from those we found different from other respondents in online questionnaire survey.
We wished to visit and see the exhibitions and the sites before conducting the interview. However, we could only interview them in each possible way such as face-to-face, online and email since the time of the interview survey overlapped with the time when the state of emergency was issued to prevent the spread of Covid-19 and the universities were off-limits to visitors.
Although the interviews were conducted under difficult times, it was a good achievement to listen to the real voices of the staff who know the HRM at their sites and grasp the details that have not been available through online research.
女子美術大学美術館Joshibi University of Art and Design Art Museum
日時 | 2021年8月25日[水]10:00–11:30 |
方法 | 女子美術大学美術館での対面インタビュー |
インタビュイー | 川上勇氏 |
インタビュアー | 藤田百合 |
Time and Date | Wednesday, August 25th, 2021 10:00–11:30am |
Method | Face-to-face interview at Joshibi University of Art and Design Art Museum |
Interviewee | KAWAKAMI Isamu |
Interviewer | FUJITA Yuri |
There are no full-time curators employed at Joshibi University of Art and Design Art Museum. Hiring curators as fixed-term employee cause apparent negative effect on museum operation because of difficulty not only in handing over of accumulated findings of the collection but also in long-term planning of exhibitions. For these reasons, this museum tried to hire full-time curators twice before in the past.
In addition to the curators, routine rotation of the office workers makes the development of common understanding and handover of management situation and process difficult. It became evident that they are not facing a shortage of human resources but continuous securing of human resources is a major issue.
From the online questionnaire survey, the answers seemed different depending on the answerers’ position in their organization (curator or office worker). Thanks to interviewer Fujita, who is a member of this research and working at this Museum as a curator, we could bring detail to light from this interview.
東京理科大学近代科学資料館/なるほど科学体験館Museum of Science, TUS, MathSci Experience Center, TUS
日時 | 2021年8月31日[火]14:00–16:00 |
方法 | Zoomでのオンラインインタビュー |
インタビュイー | 大石和江氏 |
インタビュアー | 井上由佳、杉浦幸子 |
Time and Date | Tuesday, August 31st, 2021 2:00–4:00pm |
Method | Online interview by Zoom |
Interviewee | OISHI Kazue |
Interviewer | INOUE Yuka, SUGIURA Sachiko |
At Tokyo University of Science(TUS), there are 4 university museums, Museum of Science, TUS at Kagurazaka Campus, Mathematical Experience Plaza, MathSci Experience Center, TUS at Noda Campus, and The Science Dojo. Ms. Oishi is mainly in charge of Museum of Science and MathSci Experience Center and currently working on a project to convey the world of science to society through study, preservation and exhibition of the collection of calculators.
There are three staff in their museum, but the key is the participation of the students. Three students are hired and assigned to provide explanations as “student staff” at Museum of Science, 10 student staff are trained as “instructor” and involved in various projects including exhibition explanation at MathSci Experience Center. It was found that the management task is wide-ranging such as cultivating students’ ability to serve and communicate with the visitors, to research, and planning exhibitions and preserving the collection of calculators.
Ms. Oishi told us that the challenge is the handover from staff and student staff to their successor and their cultivation. It is necessary to address HRM over the long term in order to continue the system of training students (that change every year) to become excellent interpreters and have them work at science museums.
電気通信大学UECコミュニケーションミュージアムThe University of Electro-Communications (UEC) Museum of Communications
方法 | メールでのインタビュー |
Method | Interview by emailm |
UEC Museum of Communications responded that they have 28 staff in the online questionnaire survey. It was the largest number among the survey results. Therefore, we asked them its breakdown, eight were full-time employees and two of them were in charge of the museum, the rest 20 were volunteers.
Volunteer staff consists of graduates and engineers from telecommunication field officially entrusted by the university president, and mainly responsible for research and study, visitor guidance of preserved materials such as electrical, telecommunications, broadcasting-related machinery, and organizing and preserving exhibits.
It is necessary to secure a wide range of human resources to cover the entire development process from its dawn of the history of telecommunications technology, it became clear that their current human resource management system, involving professional volunteers is successfully functioning and the museum activities have been carried out. However, we also found that the continuous securing of human resources with the skill of preservation and restoration of materials and the development of human resources in charge of education and public programs still remain as issues to overcome.
- 研究代表者
- 武蔵野美術大学 芸術文化学科 教授
- Principal researcher
- Professor of Department of Arts Policy and Management, Musashino Art University
Sachiko Sugiura was born in Tokyo in 1966 and graduated from the Ochanomizu University in 1990. She finished the master’s degree in the Wales University College of Cardiff in 1995 in the major of gallery education. Since then, she has been working as a gallery educator/curator, being appointed as the Educational Program Coordinator in the 1st Yokohama Triennale in 2001, then, as the Public Program Curator in the Mori Art Museum in 2002–2004.She moved to Kyoto University of Art and Design where she worked as an art project coordinator of the ARTISTS SUMMIT KYOTO as well as a group leader of the International Affairs Section in 2005–2012. She has been teaching at the Department of Arts Policy and Management, the Musashino Art University as an associate professor (2012–2014) and a professor (2014-the present).
- 研究分担者
- 明治大学 文学部 専任准教授
- Co-researcher
- Associate Professor of School of Arts and Letters, Meiji University
1976年東京生まれ。1999年慶應義塾大学 総合政策学部 総合政策学科卒業。2000年ロンドン大学ゴールドスミスカレッジ・教育学修士課程修了(MA in Education)。2005年Institute of Education(現IOE-UCL), University of London博士課程修了(Ph.D in Education, ロンドン大学)専門:博物館・美術館教育、ミュージアムのための人材育成、英国における教育、国際理解教育。2005年-08年国立歴史民俗博物館研究支援推進員。2008年-19年文教大学 国際学部 国際観光学科専任講師(2008–2017年)・准教授(2017–2019年)。2019年より現職。主な著書『今、ミュージアムにできること』(学術研究出版、2019年)など。
Yuka Inoue received her PhD in education from the Institute of Education, University of London(now UCL-IOE)in 2005. Her research interest is in museum education for international understanding, evaluation of visitors’ learning, training for museum personnel. Her current interest is in how international policy on museums (such as UNESCO Recommendations) have influenced Japanese museums since 1960’s. She worked at the National Museum of Japanese History from 2005 to 2008, and taught as a Lecturer (2008–2017) and Associate Professor (2017–2019) at Faculty of International Studies, Bunkyo University. She is now an Associate Professor at School or Arts and Letters, Meiji University, Japan where she mainly teaches museology, museum education and co-ordinates the gakugei-in (curator in Japanese context) qualification program.
- 研究分担者
- 女子美術大学 特命助教
- 女子美術大学美術館 学芸員
- Co-researcher:
- Joshibi University of Art and Design Art Museum Curator
1976年東京生まれ。2004年 女子美術大学大学院 美術研究科 修士課程 美術専攻 美術史研究領域(現:大学院 美術研究科 修士課程 芸術文化専攻)修了。女子美術大学美術館非常勤学芸員および東京国立近代美術館教育普及室の研究補佐員を経て、2018年より現職。専門:博物館・美術館教育。展示作品と子どもをつなぐツール(鑑賞教材)を数多く制作。各地の美術館を中心にワークショップを企画実施。共著『絵本ワークショップ』(朝倉書店、2015年)
Born in 1976 in Tokyo, she graduated from Joshibi University of Art and Design in 2004 with a Master’s degree in Art History (currently, Master’s degree in Art and Design). After working as a part-time curator at Joshibi University of Art and Design and as a research assistant at the Office of Education and Outreach, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, she assumed her current position in 2018. Specializes in museum and art museum education. She has created many tools (educational materials) that connect children with the artworks on display. She has planned and conducted workshops mainly at museums in various regions. Co-author of "Picture Book Workshop" (Asakura Shoten, 2015)
- ウェブサイト熊谷篤史
- 翻訳中村杏里
- データ整理・インタビュー文字起こし石崎美智
- Web siteKUMAGAI Atsushi
- TranslationNAKAMURA Anri
- Data organization/transcription of interviewsISHIZAKI Misato
- 本研究は、全国大学博物館学講座協議会東日本部会 令和2年度研究助成を受けて進められたものである。
- This research received 2020 Research Grant of Higashi Ninonbukai, National Association of Universities Teaching Museum Studies, Japan