Hiroshi Sugimoto (photographer, born in 1948 in Tokyo, living in Tokyo and New York)
Okabe: How long have you been in New York?
in his studio, New York
photo: Aomi Okabe
Sugimoto: I came to New York in 1975, so 32 years. I was in California so I’ve been in the states since ‘70s.
in his studio, New York
photo: Aomi Okabe
Okabe: Why did you go to California?
Sugimoto: I was just travelling around. Then I heard that there’s something interesting going on like drug culture. So I thought that I had to examine what is actually there. I went there and the only place that would accept me was an art school so I entered.
Okabe: When you were studying economics in St Paul’s University, were you related to art culture in any way?
Sugimoto: Not at all. However, I was a member of some dorky advertising group. I was familiar with commercial art and taking photos. At that time, I had an impression that advertising was more advanced than art scene.
Okabe: Were you already taking photos?
Sugimoto: Yes. When I was in high school I was in a photography club. I taught myself how to take photos when I was in junior high school. I got my own darkroom when I was 12 years old.
Okabe: Not so many people have their own darkroom at that young age, are there?
Sugimoto: Maybe. I requested my close carpenter to transform my closet into a darkroom. It is fair to say I came here to study photography, but I already knew everything they taught at the university so I didn’t learn anything new.
Okabe: Was there a change in your attitude towards photos and art scene since you came here compared to what it was in Japan?
Sugimoto: I was interested in culture scene instead of art scene when I was in California. When I was in Japan, it was student revolution era.
Okabe: Were you taking in part of student activism?
Sugimoto: Well, sort of. Though, I majored in economics in St Paul’s University and studied Marxism. I didn’t have enough courage to join the radical.
Okabe: Is it right that you went to California wanting to have a hippy life and see the world?
Sugimoto: I arrived to California when I was travelling around. I was surprised that there was full of oriental mystics influence. I would have never noticed it if I didn’t come here. Everyone asks me, “have you reached enlightenment?” and so on. So I quickly digested what’s inside me and got ready to declare my attitude towards Buddhism philosophy and oriental mystics.
Okabe: A lot of Japanese people who go abroad follow the similar path. You realize that you need to study about Japan and oriental culture when everyone questions you. When you are in Japan, you won’t have much opportunity to be asked that kind of questions. Instead, you desire to know more about foreign culture and share it with your Japanese friends. Being in Japan doesn’t necessarily mean you are an expert of Japan.
Sugimoto: Ordinary people don’t have to know much about. (laugh)
Okabe: Moving on, you came to New York and started working, is that collect.
Sugimoto: Yeah. I started as an assistant of commercial photographers. I always got fired in a couple of days, because I criticize my employer. I knew it wouldn’t do anything good, though. Then I encountered Donald Judd. I was astonished when I first saw his show in New York art scene. I was like, can it be done? I understood that all you need is to come up with some funny idea accompanied with some skills. My belief was, go for all or nothing. So I started visiting the fanciest gallery first and if not succeed, I lowered the aim. Usually people start from the bottom, but I was too sassy for it, I guess. My closest friend among New York artists was Tomio Miki. It was very short time, less than a year, but we were so close, tripping together. (laugh) We were always at Ushio Shinohara’s flat and partied every day. I only could speak Japanese though, they were discussing on so-called artistic theory, being stoned at the same time. Most of the people there were graduates of Tokyo University of the Arts. I first thought it was interesting, but in about half a year I came to realize that this is how boring these graduates are. Miki was the most interesting one among the group, so much better than Shusaku Arakawa.
Okabe: You have been working in New York since then. How do you think the city changed?
Sugimoto: New York changes in every 10 years. There’s a cycle that is similar to economic depression that comes around once in every 10 years.
Okabe: The painting movements came back to New York since 4 or 5 years ago, right?
Sugimoto: Yes. It means that we come back always to physical matters. It’s only a basic form whether you go conceptual or visualize it. Right now, I feel that the conceptual directions stuck somehow.
Sea of Buddha 1995 ©Hiroshi Sugimoto Courtesy Gallery Koyanagi
Okabe: Is there a museum or a collector in Japan that has a collection of your artworks?
Sugimoto: Some Japanese public museums have a few but not a whole collection. So The National Museum of Art, Osaka recently purchased sufficiently. But, in 1978, when I had a show at That Museum, they didn’t purchase any of the artwork.
Okabe: Is there any collectors in Japan?
Sugimoto: Well, Mr. Mori, who founded Mori Art Museum loves Architecture, so he bought some of the photos of “Architecture” series, but that’s it.
Okabe: About photography, when you decide the number of editions, do you consider the need in the market?
Sugimoto: Basically, the large sized photos have 5 editions and small ones are 25. I am actually decreasing the number of editions. I’m about to reach my sixties so I have to balance it with the time I have left. It is no good to waste my time supplying old editions. I’d like to do something new all the time. I’ll calculate how much I need to sell the work to get the money and to pay the tax so on, in order to do what I want to do for next 5 or 10 years. It would be perfect if I could run out all my money when I go.
Okabe: You say you want to use your money for what you want to do. You have been collecting oriental artifacts. Recently you have purchased some Japanese painting from Taisho era and an ancient fossil. Do you have any plans for having those collections on display?
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fossils acquired by Hiroshi Sugimoto |
Sugimoto: I will always create my pieces being inspired by those collections and also have the ideas of exhibition from these collentions.
(At Chelsea studio, New York, June 4th, 2006, Translated by Mei Matsubara)
杉本博司(写真家 1948年東京生まれ、東京とニューヨーク在住)
杉本:まずコマーシャルの写真家かなんかのアシスタントを探してやったんだけれども、2、3日しか続かないでクビになっちゃうわけ。雇い主を批判するからいけないんだよね。 こっちの写真家を批判しても仕方ないんだけど。そうこうしているうちにニューヨークのアートシーンで、ドナルド・ジャッドの展覧会を見たりして、ショックだったね。こんなのでいいの?面白いことを考えて手先が上手けりゃいいんだっていう感じ(笑)。そのとき考えていた生き方としては、とにかく一番上からあたって砕けろ。画廊まわるんだったら一番いい画廊に持って行って、だめだったらどんどんどんどん降りていけばいい。普通は気後れして、下からやっていくけれど、相当生意気だったんだろうね。 ニューヨークのアーティストの中では三木富雄と一番仲良くて、ほんの1年にも満たないくくらいだったけど、かなりベッタリ一緒にいたね。じつはドラッグ仲間で(笑) だから篠原有司男のロフトに出入りするようになって、毎日酒盛りしてるわけ。日本語しか話せないのだけれど芸術論とか。ほとんど芸大出てて、日本の芸大の続きで、毎日ベロベロになるまで飲んで芸術論と称するものをやってるわけ。最初は面白いかなと思って行ってたのね。でも半年も付き合ってるうちに「あ、日本の芸大卒業レベルってこんなもんか」って思った(笑)。あのグループの中で、三木は一番まともっていうか面白くて、荒川修作なんかよりよっぽどいいと思うよ。
岡部: 写真ですから、新作などのエディションの数を決定するときには、そうした需要の高まりなどをある程度、考慮して決めることもありますか。