culture power
artist 田中 x 増岡/Tanaka x Masuoka

photo:Aomi Okabe


photo:Aomi Okabe

Copyright © Aomi Okabe and all the Participants
© Musashino Art University, Department of Arts Policy and Management
©岡部あおみ & インタヴュー参加者




αMプロジェクト2005キュレーター 岡部あおみ


田中偉一郎 一人っ子アート/すっぴんアート

泉のように、とめどもなく思いつきが湧いてくる根っからのアイディアマン、同時に子供のまなざしで、好奇心旺盛になんでも食する野人である。田中偉一郎は、愛着をもつ身の回りのものすべてを「そのまま」素材にする。しかも執着することの少ない遊牧民であるせいか、「おたく」とも異なる「一人っ子アート」を生み出した。ものに よっては、超短期間でも制作可能な「省エネアート」となり、化粧するのがめんどくさい独特な「すっぴんアート」になった。



田中偉一郎  『ストリートデストロイヤー』
田中偉一郎 『ストリートデストロイヤー』
photo:Yuko Kato

田中偉一郎 『夢のホールインワン』2006年
田中偉一郎 『夢のホールインワン』2006年
photo:Yuko Kato

増岡巽 缶の家の超達人





増岡巽制作の家 2006年
増岡巽制作の家 2006年
photo:Yuko Kato

photo:Yuko Kato

Iichiro Tanaka & Tatsumi Masuoka: “My Dream Home”

Okabe Aomi, αM Project2005 curator

Iichiro Tanaka is an unusual realist. He does not speak of love or revolution but unstintingly expresses “the joy of making,” something accessible to everyone. Tatsumi Masuoka, who is now in his sixties, lives on the streets in Osaka. He previously worked in the construction industry but has been homeless for the last four years. In “Bricolage Art Now: Adventures in Everyday Life,” an exhibition held at the National Museum of Ethnology in Osaka, he built a large house out of empty cans. These two artists, who had not met previously, are setting out to create “My Dream Home” in an enjoyable gallery workshop that will be carried out on the scale of everyday life.

Iichiro Tanaka: Only-Child Art/Unadorned Art

Tanaka is a fount of ideas that keep coming one after another like water from a spring. He is a very natural person with insatiable, child-like curiosity that absorbs anything and everything. He has affection for everything around him, which he uses “as is” as materials for his art. He is a nomad with no attachment to anything, and his work is better described as “only-child art” than otaku art. Some of his work is extremely “low-energy art” that can be made in a very short time. It can also be called “unadorned art” because he avoids excessive ornamentation.

An example is the silent short video, Naming Dove DVD, a masterpiece that has the effect of getting people who dislike pigeons to feel some fondness for them. We are shown very ordinary images of 101 pigeons in a park. They are all assigned ordinary Japanese names like Tsuneo Okamoto displayed over the images with a television opaque projector (telop). They make people laugh in a very ordinary way which is quite extraordinary. In Street Destroyer, the artist appears in a red jacket, making gestures as if he is destroying roads and roofs. Of course, Tanaka is not a destroyer. The Water performance series, in which water is seen pouring out of an electrical outlet or a wallet, makes one recall playing in the water as a child. A new work that appeared in 2006, Classical music karaoke, is designed to be participatory.

Tanaka’s view of the world was expressed with fresh wit and versatile decision-making, using the key words “making” and “made,” in the series “Yattsuke Mekingu” (rough-and-ready making) in the art magazine Bijutsu Techo. Tanaka is multi-talented, and produced an excellent CD called For My Parents with a band called Folk Duo Nagata. He avoids superficial or unnecessary decoration and ignores conventional rules about objects, words, and images. His humorous method of gappei, gasshuku, and gassaku (merger, staying together, and collaboration) results in unusual objects and presents many possibilities for innovation and protest against previous forms of art. One might go so far as to say that his work recalls the world of coined words with triple meanings that deconstruct their context in James Joyce’s Finnegan’s Wake. Stated more simply, he is creating an “oasis of meaninglessness.”

See the introduction to “Culture Power: Iichiro Tanaka” at:

Tatsumi Masuoka: Can House Expert

Tatsumi Masuoka has an unusual life for a homeless person since his wife, who lives in his younger brother’s home, brings him a lunch every day. I visited his handmade house covered with blue plastic sheets near Shin-Osaka Station at the introduction of Koji Sato, the curator of the “Bricolage Art Now” exhibition at the National Museum of Ethnology. I wanted to meet Masuoka because I was so impressed by the large house made of empty cans that he created for the show. It was a marvelously festive piece that transcended the concept of bricolage and it was acquired by the museum after the exhibition.

The idea for this house originated with the artist’s need for a place to live. For the house constructed in the museum storage room, he used 18,500 cans. For the present show, we asked students to save aluminum beverage cans after they had drunk the contents during the course of last summer, but it was difficult to collect even one thousand cans this way. A beverage company agreed to help and sent five thousand empty cans, which was something of a relief. It seems that this house will not be very large, but there is a limit to the scale that can be achieved while constructing it in a university seminar room.

Cans of all sizes were assembled with glue according to directions obtained from Masuoka in Shin-Osaka. The process seems simple, but it requires a certain knack and quite a lot of know-how. In order to transform an object with a different use into art takes a surprising amount of patience, careful planning, and discipline. Many people started out working on the house of cans because it seemed so interesting, but without an unusual amount of enthusiasm it was difficult to keep going through all stages of the project. After collecting the cans, it was first necessary to wash and dry them, remove the tabs from the openings and join them in pairs with the openings together. These pairs of cans were then assembled in units five rows wide and four rows high.

Masuoka says that the house can be assembled in any of a number of different configurations through computer analysis. However, he has his own way of doing it. The minimal forms project overlapping memories and dreams and, more than anything, the requirements of everyday life. What sort of “dream home” will be created in this collaboration with students during the exhibition?