culture power
artist 野村誠/Nomura Makoto

Copyright © Aomi Okabe and all the Participants
© Musashino Art University, Department of Arts Policy and Management
©岡部あおみ & インタヴュー参加者


のむら まこと(Nomura Makoto)

作曲作品は、「だるまさん作曲中」(ピアノと管弦楽)、「桃太郎」(ジャワガムラン)、「アートサーカス」(弦楽四重奏)、「オルガンスープ」(オルガン)、「NO NOTES」(任意の楽器アンサンブルのための)などがあり、 東京シティ・フィル、Bochumer Symphoniker(ドイツ)、大井浩明、御喜美江、松原勝也、藤原真理、マルガサリ、高橋悠治、高橋アキ、宮田まゆみ、などが野村作品を演奏している。

■「Kontraste Festival」(オーストリア)、「Zommer Jazz Fietstour」(オランダ)、「Lille 2004」(フランス)、「Japan 2001」(イギリス)、「竹山国際芸術祭」(韓国)などのフェスティバルに招待される。
また、Charles Hayward、Carl Stone、Soon Kim、大友良英、梅津和時などと即興演奏で共演、山下残(振付家)、島袋道浩(美術家)、荒井良二(絵本作家)、吉増剛造(詩人)らとコラボレーション。
自身のバンドpou-fouでSony Music EntertainmentのNEW ARTISTS AUDITIONグランプリ受賞(1991)、JCC ART AWARDS現代音楽部門最優秀賞(1996)、第1回アサヒビール芸術賞(2003)受賞。



Nomura Makoto

Makoto Nomura is a composer/pianist/melodicaist.
Nomura was born in 1968 in Nagoya, Japan. Since he spontaneously composed for piano at the age of 8, he had composed a number of pieces in his childhood. While he studied mathematics at Kyoto University, he formed "pou-fou", an experimental improvising rock band, which was chosen from over 2700 groups as the 1st prize of the New Artists' Audition 91 by Sony Music Entertainment. In 1992 pou-fou's CD "Bird Chase" was released from Epic/Sony Record(ESCK 8018) and he started his professional carrier as a composer/pianist.
In 1994 he got the British Council Fellowship as a visiting postgraduate student at York University in order to study the relationship between contemporary composition and creative music education. His article "Follow Children's Music -the fundamental idea" was published in the British Journal of Music Education by Cambridge University Press in 1996.
Since 1995 he worked as a freelance composer. His works have been performed in a number of countries including Germany, UK, France, USA, Russia, Bulgaria, Korea, Indonesia, Belgium, Netherland, Thailand etc. He was invited by various international festivals such as Zomer Jazz Fietstour in Holland, Jouksan International Arts Festival in Korea, Japn 2001 in UK, Lille 2004 in France, Kontraste Festival in Austria etc. His works have been performed Tokyo City Philharmonic Orchestra, Marga Sari, Yuji Takahashi, Mie Miki, etc. Some of his pieces are published by the Mother Earth Publishing, eg. "Away From Home With Eggs" for piano, "How Many Spinatch Amen!" for accoridon, violin and violoncello, etc. He has several CDs such as "Semi", "Intermezzo", "The Birth of Shogi Symphony" etc.
He is the founder of various international projects such as "i-picnic", "Whaletone Opera", "Keyboard Choreography Collection" etc.
As an improvising pianist Nomura has played with Charles Hayward, Elliot Sharp, Otomo Yoshihide, Carl Stone etc. He is the member of Japan Association of Study for Musical Improvisation.
He is the pioneer of melodica music. He formed "P-blot" , which is the quintet entirely playing melodicas by professional keyboardists.
Nomura has been a Visiting Professor/Lecturer in several universities, including , Eddinburgh University, Huddersfield University, Dartington College in the UK, Indonesia National University of Arts and Music in Indonesia, Tokyo University of Fine Arts and Music, Kyoto Women's University in Japan etc. He has done hundreds of composition workshops with children, amateurs, old people, etc.
He was awarded JCC Art Award by Japan Creators' Club in 1996 and Asahi Beer Art Award by the Asahi Beer Arts Coulture Foundation in 2003.