Cultre Power
artist ガゼル/Ghazel
ガゼル展 展示風景
photo Aomi Okabe

Copyright © Aomi Okabe and all the Participants
© Musashino Art University, Department of Arts Policy and Management
©岡部あおみ & インタヴュー参加者











Ghazel : the road to “world citizenship”
by Aomi Okabe (curator of alphaM project 2005 )

Ghazel’s Me appeared in “Clandestines,” an exhibition organized at the 50th Venice Biennale by Francesco Bonami, director of the biennale. It was a video installation made up of three box-shaped television monitors. The artist appears wearing the chador, the traditional Muslim women’s costume, in short performances of ordinary actions. In Sweet Dreams, she pushes an empty baby buggy. In Everyday Is Valentine’s Day, she holds red, heart-shaped balloon. In Next Year, I’ll Stop Being Sloppy, she humorously tries to iron the chador while still wearing it. She composes these ironic and witty scenes, which subvert the meaning of the titles, by combining reality with fanciful ideas. The Iranian journalist, Kaveh Golestan, calls them filmic haiku.

The Me series started in 1997, and 620 scenes, including those not yet shown in public, have been produced so far. The 41 pieces shown here, made between 2000 and 2003, where previously seen at the Venice Biennale. They were mostly shot in the cities where Ghazel has resided, mainly Montpellier in France, Teheran and by the Caspian Sea in Iran, but also New York, where she lived for a short period. The only exception is set in Beirut. This is Love and Peace, in which she sits in front of a tank parked on the street reading a magazine. The intrusion of politics into everyday life is presented in Never Sleep Alone, where she sleeps with a machine gun, referring to the reality of terror and war.

In another work, there is a gap between her naturally feminine demeanor in a chador and the apparently male costume worn under it, the pants and black athletic shoes. Through this intentionally emphasized gap, the fictional orientalism associated with Muslim women is revealed as a cliche, and a hybrid contemporaneity is affirmed for self and others.

Western modernism is being increasingly questioned along with the loss of grand narratives. In the context of post-colonialism, the gaze and physicality rooted in non-Western societies is being embraced as “otherness” and “difference.” Just the same, the road to “world citizenship” that Ghazel is seeking is filled with many obstacles, especially the dangerous effects of globalization.

After graduating from high school in Teheran, Ghazel studied art and film in France. Based in Paris, she is a nomad who works throughout the world. When she was almost deported by the French Immigration Office as an illegal immigrant, she responded by printing a poster, “Urgent/Wanted,” advertising for marriage partners. At present, she is taking the opposite tack, offering to enter into a contract marriage with illegal immigrants of all religions in all countries belonging to the EU in order to increase the number of world citizens.

For some time, she has been holding workshops for street children and young delinquents. Even now, when she is invited to participate in exhibitions throughout the world, she continues to operate from the perspective of a minority and outsider. In 2003, Ghazel, wearing a veil and a mustache along with a Western bridal gown, realized the photographic work Untitled self-portraits.

It was during the period when the debate over the French law against the wearing of Muslim veils in school, based on the separation of church and state was burning subject. Therefore, Le Monde diplomatique published these photos in their newspaper in order to illustrate their special edition on this debate.

By presenting uncertain conditions of identity, she brilliantly comments on the possibilities for peaceful coexistence between the genders and between the West and the Middle East. (Translated by Stan Anderson)

*There are more photos of Ghazel's art works : 
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